joi, 3 ianuarie 2008

Pasi mici

Incep cu un mesaj... e scris in engleza din simplul fapt ca asa am nimerit sa scriu atunci.Tot mesajul mi s-a parut de la inceput nepotrivit pentru romana sau , poate, pentru Romania.Oricum ar fi, nu cred ca e ceva prea avansat pentru a fi inteles si voi posta si in romana in curand. Pana atunci...

It’s morning. You walk towards work. You were late and the sun has already risen. A heavy scent fills the air but you don’t even notice it. The air is thicker today than it was yesterday and even though it gets more difficult to breathe, you don’t spare it another thought. You are busy, too busy to stop and remember what the world is trying to tell you. Nature was replaced with something else a long time ago. Pollution is what surrounds you now. Oblivious to the signs and the world you carry on. Prepared to face another day’s challenges but ignorant to the century’s trials…
After realizing you are late you wave for a taxi and dial the number of your secretary. Saying you are not going to arrive in time and trying to give directions to the loyal employee, you mumble the address to the taxi driver. Here you are now, speeding through the heavy rush hour traffic, mind filled with a thousand thoughts. A thousand thoughts indeed, but not a single one spared to the heavy air you were inhaling just that morning, the air you were relaying even then.
You are not the only one. I am the same. Unfortunately the whole world is the same. With the risk of being cliché I’ll say that the whole world has gone mad.
Maybe it is time to open our eyes. It is time to realize that if we refuse to think about it, the danger will not disappear. We are independent people and we shouldn’t be afraid to admit and acknowledge the danger lurking in the shadows.
I think it is a good idea to try and see the bigger picture from time to time. To glance in the future and to do something about the way it is going to turn up. Pollution is a real danger. The planet is slowly but surely dieing and we are watching and letting it slip through our fingers.
You know it too; you’ve heard it a million times. I know it. The person who walks on the sidewalk at this very moment, knows it. But we all do nothing. I urge you to try and do something. Ever consider waking up earlier to avoid being late?
Small things have more importance than we grant them. The small steps we prefer not to take, the training we foolishly refuse before a vital trial, represent a major part of the solution to our environmental problem. Only after this is accomplished we will be able to turn our hopes into realities.

9 comentarii:

Serenna spunea...

toata lumea observa.
"toata luema face ceva :-@"

brb. a inceput ucenicul :d

Serenna spunea...

it's that feeling.
you see it .. but you don't do nothing to change it.
nu neaparat ca nu vrei, ci pur si simplu pt ca te ai obisnuit :).

Sevy spunea...

Asta e ideea, ca trebuie sa ne mai trezim, pentru ca putem sa realizam mult mai mult daca participam toti.

Serenna spunea...

in Romania asta, toata lumea "doarme".
sau cel putin cei care ar trebui sa fi treji si sa faca ceva.
ce sa facem noi? niste "simple teenagers"?

DaNu spunea...

obisnuieste-te..nimic nu se va schimba.vorba serenei,noi nu avem ce sa facem.poate doar sa ajunga mesajul mai departe

Sevy spunea...

then keep the message going...:D

DaNu spunea...

amiceee...mai vii cu ceva nou?? ;;)

Sevy spunea...

O sa postez cand am timp.
Si realizezi ca sunt fata, nu?

DaNu spunea...

8-| amice normal k am realizat k ejti fata..da cat timp iti trebuie ma??